Dramatis Personae


 Android TC1's- Machines made to serve Isosoles.
 Anjequin- A winged male being from the planet Hortifrax.
 Aztecki- An ancient being who joined Isosoles's ranks.
 Baatetszu- A monstrous creature from the underworld.
 Barbarrus- A Skeletal being.
 Benni- A robot made by Miller.
 Blake- A ghost who haunts PX425.
 Brother Blade- A futuristic soldier who joins Redside platoon on 
 Caps- A mysterious floating alien.
 Castius The Warrior- A heroic knight.
 Chomper- An experiment of Doctor Vrell's who Isosoles keeps as a 
 Colonel Corelli- One of Isosoles's minions.
 Crell- An alien who serves Isosoles with sorcery powers.
 Crimson- A magical being borne of flames.
 Cyntex- Jet-pack equipped machines that replace the Androids in 
                service to Isosoles.
 Cytrex- A large beast and Brother to Gore.
 Daorsh- A robot made by Radak.
 Darius 13- A spider-like machine that stands guard of Isosoles's 
 Delerious- A 4 armed female alien that was once a Gargoyle.
 Demonic- A beast from the underworld and Master to Isosoles.
 Destructor 3000- A large robot made by Xyterious.
 Doctor Vrell- A mad man who enjoys experiments on living beings.
 Dogs Mutt- General Kershaw's dog.
 Drake- A Bounty Hunter.
 Drongo- One of Isosoles's minions.
 Dumble- A short, friendly alien being.
 Elementor-  A magical alien with powers of all the elements.
 Exmark 3- A spidery being trapped inside the puzzle box.
 Eye.Con- Tall robots with rocket launchers, in service to Isosoles.
 Fraser- A Male Human of earth that works in an office.
 Fusion- An Android that protects that tunnels inside the box.
 Gargatua- A robot made by Xyterious.
 General Kershaw- A make Human, head of Redside platoon.
 Ge-ni-ous- A Genie of a lamp.
 Golden Gore- A large created beast, concocted of DNA from Cytrex 
                           and Gore.
 Gore- A large beast of Isosoles's.
 Grambitts- Small green aliens.
 Gripper- A small alien in service to Isosoles.
 Hacksaw Bill- A Bounty Hunter.
 Hawk- A flying male alien from Hortifrax.
 Head- A smelly ugly head, without a body.
 Heinrich Fist- A Human male who wears armour.
 Hell Rider- A male Human of Earth who rides a motorbike.
 Hercules- A male being. Friends with Shen.
 Imperious- A male being, who at one time is Isosoles's General.
 Inscition- A circular, floating machine made by Doctor Vrell.
 Isosoles- An alien that rules PX425.
 Jackson- A Human male. A pizza delivery boy.
 Juan-lo- A 3 legged alien. Brother to Kwan-Lo.
 Karina- A magical spell, created by Isosoles.
 Kwan-Lo- A 3 legged alien. Brother to Juan-Lo.
 Lil'Laser- A robot made by Brother Blade.
 L.Tech's- Tall robots in service to Isosoles.
 Lucas- A Human Soldier.
 Machatron- A small green robot.
 Mad Max- A Human male soldier and weapon's specialist in Redside 
 Madmed- A male Gorgon in service to Isosoles.
 Marcos Marelli- A male Human soldier in Redside Platoon.
 Master of Misery- An ancient villainous warrior.
 Maxon AG5- A small clumsy robot made by Shen.
 Megatech- A large purple monster who serves Isosoles.
 Meld King- An alien with the ability to morph.
 Miller- A male Human of Earth and technologically gifted.
 Misshen- An armoured, muscular alien who serves Isosoles.
 Moumuss- A mummy.
 Nefarious- In service to Isosoles.
 Nep-Ets- A male alien from Hortifrax.
 05- A robot made by Miller.
 Optoriad- A giant eye. Enemy to Plannaticuss.
 Overkill- A robot built in a robot factory on PX425. Later used by 
                  Redside Platoon.
 Ox- A male alien in service to Isosoles.
 Peppy- A tiny green alien with high strength for his size.
 Pirate Jack- A male child from Earth. Son to owner of some offices.
 Plannaticuss- A giant and enemy to Optoriad.
 Poops- A living excremental alien.
 Psychosomatic- A mechanical scorpion used by Isosoles to hunt 
 Puzzle Box/Puzzle Master- A mysterious box that can teleport beings
          across space and time,with the body of a man, trapped inside                 along with many other helpless beings.
 Quint-Vas- A 3 Legged alien. friends with Kwan-Lo.
 Radak- A male Human soldier of Earth. Part of Redside Platoon.
 Ravisher- A creature from another planet.
 Reptiliak- A male alien who serves Isosoles.
 Richard Biscuit- An intelligent male alien from Hortifrax.
 Rock'ard- A male Giant found on PX425.
 Sable- A male, lion-headed alien who serves Isosoles.
 Sacha- A female Human of Earth. A secretary in some offices.
 Sadness Simon- A water-based alien found inside the puzzle box.
 Scar- A male Human of Earth. A Taxi Driver.
 Scorch- A dragon found on PX425.
 Seiton the Serpent- A large creature found in a swamp on PX425.
 Serenda- A mermaid found on PX425.
 Sergeant Fox- A male Human of Earth. Part of Redside Platoon.
 Shadow- An alien being without physical form.
 Shane- A male Human.
 Shen- A male alien warrior.
 Skeletron- A large skeletal beast conjured and ridden by Crell.
 Sketch- A crazy alien being trapped in the puzzle box.
 Skull Crusher- A male alien in service to Isosoles.
 Slain- A crazy monster that's kept in the tunnels below Isosoles's 
 Slimey Rott- Living toxic waste found on PX425.
 Slonk- A male tree-looking being, trapped within the Puzzle box.
 Slyst- A male alien without a physical form. 
 Spine- A male skeleton, summoned by Isosoles to kill Humans.
 Spud- A short, male alien found in the Puzzle Box.
 Squidge- A rabbit-like being found on PX425.
 Stomp- A large, fat, male being, in service to Isosoles.
 Stompy Butt- A short, male Bounty Hunter.
 Stroll- A large, male, Troll-like being, found in the mountains on
 Syklosaur- A spiny animal found on alien worlds.
 Tantra- A female who looks out for Scar.
 Tanya- A female Human of Earth.
 Tetaniun- A horned animal from PX425.
 Thorr- A male God-like alien and enemy to Zuess and Zhuang.
 Timmy- Sacha and Scar's son.
 Tribo- A tall 3 headed alien in service to Isosoles.
 Troglin- A cowardly male alien, forced to serve Isosoles.
 Urchinneous- A giant spiny ball, created by Optoriad.
 Viking- A male alien, who at one time serves Isosoles, but who's 
               main aim is to kill Scorch.
 Vizer- A male Human. A burglar.
 Volts- A robot built in the facility on PX425.
 Vorsh- An old male alien, who gets trapped inside the Puzzle box.
 Witchfinder General- A male alien and enemy to Shen many years 
                                         before Demonic becomes Shen's nemesis.
 Wolfman- A male alien in service to Isosoles.
 Xenith Frost- A male ice based alien from Hortifrax.
 Xshar- A male alien and Bounty Hunter.
 Xylotiak- A male alien and same race as Xyterious.
 Xyterious- A male alien in service to Isosoles.
 Yoke- A male alien in service to Isosoles.
 Zhuang- A male God-like alien and enemy to Thorr.
 Zob- A small alien. Friends with Squidge.
 Zorak- A male Hybrid.
 Zuess- A male, God-like alien. Enemy to Thorr.

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